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Reasons Why Toothaches with Fevers Can Be So Dangerous

Posted on 9/13/2018 by Posh Dental
Reasons Why Toothaches with Fevers Can Be So DangerousAlthough a toothache in and of itself isn't life threatening, when it's coupled with a fever, you'll want to make sure you call us right away. In this case, you may be dealing with much more than a toothache. You may be dealing with an abscess.

What an Abscess Is

A tooth abscess is much more than a toothache. It's accompanied by sensitivity to hot or cold food, severe pain, sensitivity to pressure, fever, facial swelling, and swollen lymph nodes in your jaw and neck area. Sometimes these will rupture, which isn't good because then the infection spreads to the other areas of your head and neck.

You'll know this has happened because you'll notice a sudden rush of a foul-tasting fluid through your mouth, followed by pain relief. At that moment, you may think things are improving, but in actuality, your life may be in danger.

Treating an Abscess

When you have any signs of having a tooth abscess you should immediately call us. If it's after business hours or you're having trouble breathing or swallowing, you should go to your local emergency room. Unfortunately, this is something that a lot of people don't realize the importance of today, which is why more people are being hospitalized for this today.

When you call us, we'll schedule an appointment for you right away. During this appointment we'll need to drain the pus from your abscess in an attempt to get rid of the infection.

Sometimes you may need a root canal, or you may need to have this tooth removed. Since your mouth is located so close to your brain, you really don't want to play around here. You don't want to be the next person who's hospitalized simply because they didn't want to go to the dentist. Do yourself a favor and call us today.
290 S Alma School Rd #9
Chandler, AZ 85224

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9AM – 6PM
8AM – 5PM
8AM – 5PM
7AM – 3PM

Call Us: (602) 562-9565
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